Provisional Results: Raila Leading Over Ruto’s Ghost Votes

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The much awaited fumigatiom process to remove ghost votes in favour of Deputy President William Ruto has now  started, IEBC vowing to validate all form 34As and 34Bs, devoid of favouring any party

The Independent, Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chairman Wafula Chebukati directed removal of 10,000 votes from Kiambu constituency which was erroneously increased in favour of Mr Ruto

Initially, Mr Chebukati was lenient about over 2,000,000 vote scams increased to Mr Ruto but seems his patience has run out as of today Saturday at 12.00PM, 13th August 2022

The process of authenticating above mentioned forms is still ongoing with keen interest to find out how voters from Mt Kenya region would give Ruto over 2M votes, which doesn’t correspond to other elective seats 

Our investigations has revealed that as of Saturday at 5am , Azimio’s presidential candidate Raila Odinga was leading with  genuine votes estimating at about 5 million 

The results indicated that Raila had slim lead of 5, 090,491 of the votes so far counted, just about 300,000 ahead of Deputy President William Ruto at 4,773,169

The provisional results are from about 10 million votes counted from 31,530 of 46,229 polling stations across the country and keep changing, as updates are registered.

However, the electoral agency is the only body authorized by the law to declare the final results 

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