Opposition Accuses Gov’t Over Crimes Against Humanity

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Section of Opposition Members of Parliament have unanimously criticised the Kenya Kwanza Administration over crimes against humanity 

Speaking at Parliament Buildings on 20th Thursday, July, National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi has blamed government for executing heinous crimes against during the ongoing anti government demonstrations 

In Particularly, Wandayi called upon Director of Public Prosecutions to exercise it’s mandate and carry out impartial, independent and speedy investigations in order to bring perpetrators of these heinous acts into book 

“In the interests that does not happen and in most likely it won’t happen, we want to ask the International Criminal Court [ICC] to take keen interests in the Kenyan situation because what we are witnessing is basically crimes against humanity,” Opiyo opined h

He further added that the continuous arrests and abductions of elected members of parliament is a retrogressively returning the country into a dictatorial state

“We demand the immediate release of our colleagues like Babu Owino was arrested since Tuesday and is incommunicado in an undisclosed location.

We also want Kilifi South MP Ken Chonga and Kilifi County Assembly Speaker Teddy Mwambire to be released forthwith,” He demanded

Wandayi added that it’s against the provision of constitution to lock anyone not only elected members for more than 24 hours in police cell without producing them in court

It is the first time this is happening since the promulgation of the new constitution, it’s the first time we see police and people masquerading as police to hold someone more than 24 hours incommunicado

On her part, Vihiga Senator Geofrey Otsotsi urged the international community to take keen interests on rogue police officers who are committing genocide against the innocent Kenyans

“International Community should take keen interests on these atrocities happening under the current regime overlooking the provisions of human rights and right to hold demonstrations,” Otsotsi fumed

He accused police officers for even killing youths and lobbying teargas canisters against the school going children at Kangemi leaving majority of them injured and hospitalized

The leaders reiterated that article 37 of the constitution guarantees citizens to assemble, to picket peacefully, to hold demonstrations and present petitions to public authorities

“The issue is if the police have a case against somebody why don’t they summon them or arrest them in a civil manner, take them to the police station, book them, prepare the charge sheet, produce them in court and argue your case or prosecute your case,” They underlined

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