Parliament eyes on devolving power grid in constituencies

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The National Assembly Committee has agreed to enact regulations that will see 392 constituencies receive equal amount to connect power

Justice, Legal and Human rights committee requests more funds for Judiciary

The National Assembly Standing Committees has continued to present supplementary budget as well as budget estimates to National Assembly Budget and Appropriations Committee which were submitted by different state departments two weeks ago for the financial year 2024/2025

While presenting the budget estimates from relevant state departments, Mwala lawmaker Eng Vincent Musyoka, who chairs Energy committee, told Ndindi Nyoro led committee that they have agreed to harmonise allocation for Kenya Power and Lighting Company to mirror National Government Constituency Development Fund [NG-CDF]

According to Musyoka alias Kawaya, many constituents have lacked power grid due to discrimination portrayed by KPLC by concentrating on regions where their leaders are influential or making decisions at the national level contrary to the spirit of constitutionalism 

“You find some constituencies do not have power connectivity whereas locals do pay taxes, when you ask KPLC what has brought all these existing gaps you find no adequate answer.

This is the reason as a committee mandated by parliament to reengineer equal distribution of resources, we have  decided to peg about Sh 52 million to each and every constituency so that it may look like that of constituency development fund,” Kawaya sought 

Eng Musyoka said in any case KPLC do not supply power within that constituency in a given particular year, they will be responsible to answer investigating agencies how much kilometres of power connectivity they installed for the period in question 

While presenting his relevant state departments: National Assembly Committee on Information, Communication and Technology John Kiarie sought Sh 1.4 billion for Kenya News Agency to enable effective communication of government projects and programmes at the grass roots 

He also sought Sh 78 million for the modernisation and refurbishment of Kenya Institute of Mass Communication’s Television to enable students be equipped with media communication skills before they embark on industrial jobs 

The Justice, Legal and Human rights affairs committee chair George Muragura pleads with committee to allocate more funds for justice and legal institutions like commission on administrative justice to settle pending cases

The Tourism and Wildlife Committee Chair Kareke Mbiuki some of the budget related to functions of Kenya Defence Forces remains confidential vote even after section of legislatures demanded to know how much goes for the same

At one point defending tourism industry in Kenya, Kareke cracked legislators ribs alluding that miraa is one of the tourism attraction crop and should be considered as most profit making cash crop in meru and embu counties 

The National Assembly Committee chair on agriculture and livestock John Mutunga also submitted budget estimates appertaining state departments under the purview of agriculture 

On Monday 27th May, the committee shall conclude receiving budget estimates of state departments falling under the standing committee on education chaired by Tinderet MP Julius Melly and National Assembly Committee on Finance and Planning under its  chairmanship Molo lawmaker Kuria Kimani 

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