Nyamira Governor stares impeachment after Senate committee’s probe

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Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo is in another tussle of impeachment motion after MCAs filed to remove him from office .

Last week the Governor was chased away by the Senate Special Funds Committee probing the misappropriation of funds.

They found irregularities where county official siphoned over Ksh 350 million during a questionable retreat in a Kisumu Hotel

According to Nyamira Senator Okongo Omogeni, some officials reported to have received allowances and per diems were in Nairobi meeting the then Interior CS Fred Matiang’i

Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo finds himself on the ropes again after the County Assembly of Nyamira approved the impeachment proceedings instituted against him today.

In an impeachment motion seen by safinews.co.ke, the Speaker of the County approved the notice of the motion against him that called for the motion against him to be heard from 2:30 pm.

The motion was filed by Evans Juma a member of the County Assembly, on the grounds of gross violation of the Constitution of Kenya.

He is accused of abuse of office and gross misconduct coupled up with siphoning of public funds through nonexistence workshops and projects

In October 2023, Governor Nyaribo survived an impeachment attempt. In the motion, 16 MCAs voted for his ouster while 18 voted against it.

In August 2024, a section of Nyamira Residents filed a petition to have the entire devolved unit in their county disbanded.

The residents claimed that the devolved unit had failed in its service delivery duty to them.

Governor Nyaribo, was accused of drawing a hefty Ksh.6.5 Million monthly, a figure he explained was because of pending arrears which in part emanated from his time as deputy governor.

On the other hand, Vihiga Senator Geoffrey Otsosi led committee on special funds gave him 21 days to explain why there are inaccuracies of documents that officials drew hefty allowances in a Kisumu Hotel that the Governor seemed to be unaware of the workshop

Nyamira Senator Okongo Omogeni okayed the directives to eject the Governor from the committee and report back once he furnishes the Auditor General and the Committee with detailed management responses over the audit queries

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