Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana has fiercely faulted Deputy President Rigathi Gachangu’s utterances on weeekend on one-man one vote shilling terming it as an economic segregation to marginalized regions
Responding to the unfortunate remarks by the second in command at Parliament Buildings on 15th May, Mungatana told DP to stop discriminating Kenyans instead of championing for the unity and equal development
“Tana River County supplies 80 per cent of hydrogen to this country. When there are floods, we are the people who bears the brunt! Do we tell you that other parts doesn’t need lights.
We will not accept this kind of economic discrimination, we shall not accept this retrogression,” Mungatana charged
He reminisced DP Gachagua that every part of kenya is like parts of the human body that need each other, additionally, reminding him during campaign they traverse every part of kenya seeking votes from every electorate
“We have never sat as UDA or Parliamentary Group to pass a policy on one man, one vote, one shilling. If Gachagua wants to be the President of this country, he is heading to the wrong direction. We are very disappointed on him and we shall not allow that to happen in this country,” Mungatana
Mungatana revealed that his thoughts have been shared by several leaders across the political divide and they will soon start biting back