“Fire all Principal Secretaries,” 12 political parties demands Ruto’s action

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National Liberal Party Leader Dr Kyalo Muli demands President William Ruto to  relieve PSs their duties with immediate effect for they oversaw the plunder and mismanagement in their respective ministries.

Speaking in Nairobi on Friday 12th July, Dr Muli commended President’s decisive action he took in dissolution of his entire Cabinet, in response to GenZs demands  though it was a long overdue

“We recognize that the energy, passion and fresh perspective of our young people are essential for the progress of our nation. As political leaders, we pledge to actively involve and empower the youth in decision making processes, policy formulation and governance. Their voices matter and their contributions are invaluable,” he stated

Dr Kyalo, who’s eyeing for Kitui Central Parliamentary Seat demanded President to publicly apologise to all innocent and unarmed civilians who were tortured, butchered and murdered in cold blood by state agents and release unconditionally those who are still held incommunicado 

The government must cease the abductions and murder of innocent civilians, foot the hospital bills for injured and compensate the families of the maimed and deceased kenyan patriots slaughtered by the police while exercising their constitutional democratic right.

He said the state agents responsible for the heinous acts should be relieved of their duties too and prosecuted 

Additionally, responding to friction in opposition camp, Muli advised ODM leader Raila Odinga to stop forcing people and youth into dialogue while they have categorically said they are not interested but in action 

Muli noted that the immediate dismissed Cabinet did not have face of regional balance hence calling the President when he’s forming the next cabinet not to have more than one CS from one tribe and should particularly pick professionals not politicians 

In the same spirit, the IEBC selection panel that will be mandated to select the next IEBC commissioners must be composed of men and women of integrity chosen through a fair, competitive and transparent process that will guarantee an independent, incorruptible accountable commission that is answerable to the Kenyan people but not a few political elite 

On his part, Party of Independent Candidate formed by late Kibwezi West MP Kalembe Ndile[PIC] and currently led by Chair Julius Wambua rallied up the youth to demand county governors to clean their county executive committee members before GenZs catches up with them warning particularly Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti to take the lead 

Tony Mulinge, Secretary General to former MP John Katuku’s People’s Freedom Party called on Governors to force their CECMs to complete stalled projects and stop mismananging public funds before they wiped out by young generation 

“We also want to know what happened to national stalled projects like Umaa Dam, Thwake Dam and Kibwezi-Kitui-Mbondoni Road? Mulinge wondered

The Justice and Freedom Party Leader Justus Juma couldn’t miss the auspicious event where he oozed wisdom on how responsible leaders should govern their citizens

Juma warned that if the government won’t take matters seriously in coming days GenZs will blow the country and they will support them to make sure sanity prevails in every part of the system

He wondered how Kenya has been lagging behind in development, a country which was mapped with Singapore

“What is ailing Africa is electing corrupt and unjust leaders, it’s time we make cards different. We thank GenZs because they have shaken this country, you can’t lead people showing oppulance and bragging with taxpayer’s money. What we demand is proper governance because several parties had tried in invain,”

He said that Kenyans needs a country which was free from corruption, uproot politicians from big position and get professionals and other technocrats

Unanimously warned of impending danger from young generation if the government will not address emerging issues that has made the economy paralyse and country move in a snail 

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