Governor Charity Ngilu has today kick-started the much-awaited surveying, mapping and processing of title deeds for residents of Endau location in Endau/Malalani Ward, Kitui East Sub-County.
Speaking after flagging off an ambulance for Endau health center, Ngilu regretted the numerous land disputes in the area which she blamed on lack of definite boundaries between plots.
“People have been fighting and embroiled in endless court battles over boundaries but that will soon be a thing of the past because Endau will be surveyed and adjudicated in the next thirty days,” she announced amid deafening ululation by wananchi.
The county boss, who was accompanied by county and national land ministry officials, urged the locals to cooperate with the officers during the exercise in order to facilitate swift mapping of their respective pieces of land and subsequent processing of title deeds.
“It is unfortunate that most people across Kitui lack the crucial land documents since Kenya’s independence. That’s why I am committed to ensuring that every land owner in my county has a title deed,” noted the governor adding that residents will not pay a single cent for the exercise.

The locals thanked Ngilu for her selfless and servant leadership and unanimously endorsed her bid to defend her seat in the August 9 general elections.
“Governor Ngilu is the only leader who fights for the welfare of her people no matter the stakes. She has our interests at heart unlike her opponents who are driven by greed for power and selfish agenda. Endau is locked for Mama Ngilu,” they declared.
The county chief later in the afternoon proceeded to Mulango Ward in Kitui Central Sub-County where she commissioned the newly-equipped X-ray room in Kyangunga Health center.
Governor Ngilu concluded her development and meet-the-people tour in Kanyangi Ward, Kitui Rural, where she commissioned the newly set-up outpatient department, maternity wing and theatre in Kanyangi Health Center.
She also commissioned the recently completed dustless town program in Kanyangi trading center before addressing a mammoth rally.
She intensified the Azimio la Umoja vote-hunt drive and urged the Kitui electorate to support the grand coalition’s presidential candidate Raila Odinga in his march for State House in the countdown to August polls.
“As the Kamba community, we have lagged behind development-wise for staying in the opposition over the last ten years but in Raila we have a golden opportunity to be part and the parcel of the next administration which he will form,” emphasized the Narc Party Leader.
While exuding confidence of a decisive win in the contest for Kitui’s top seat, Ngilu also warned her opponents to prepare for a humiliating defeat