Graft: UDA’s County MP stares probe over missing 1200 water tanks

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Bungoma County MP Catherine Wambilianga is accused of conspiracy to steal 1200 water tanks for NGAAF

She politically influenced the sacking of the then Bumgoma NGAAF coordinator Caroline Wanyama for trying to defend kitty’s mismanagement of resources

Mwingi Central MP Dr Gideon Mulyungi’s led committee now retreats to write a report on possible ways to recover the lost properties

Bungoma Woman Representative Catherine Wambilianga now stares to be probed by the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission [EACC] over the disappearance of 1200 tanks worth over 17. 4 million shillings during the 2017 campaign period 

This has been disclosed during National Assembly Decentralized Funds Accounts Committee session Chaired by Mwingi Central Member of Parliament Dr Gideon Mulyungi.

The Mulyungi led committee heard from the former suspended Bungoma NGAAF coordinator Caroline Wanyama that she was suspended in 2018 for trying to save public resources which were being squandered by the office of women representative  

Mulyungi stated that they will recommend possible actions to be meted against the culpable individuals within the Bungoma NGAAF board including investigating how 1200 tanks `left the Bungoma County Commissioner’s office unnoticed which is supposedly guarded 24 hours clock.

The letter of her dismissal came after the backdrop of questioning the county manager and personnel in charge of public relations how could the 1200 water tanks be distributed without her knowledge with no records showing recipient’s details  

According to the witness, is that, the office claimed to have ‘distributed’ the said water tanks from the county commissioner’s office but, shockingly,  there were no documents to show who and where are the receivables of missing 10,000 litre water tanks captured

How Bungoma County NGAAF Coordinator Went to Court 

Ms Wanyama, told the committee that everyone started accusing her hence  received the show cause letters for the termination of her contract

“I moved to court to stop them from suspending me but they went against the legal process and terminated my contract! I also went to court to seek justice. The court ruled on my favour after 22 months of jobless where they ordered full compensation of my salary even though they paid only six months,” Wanyama broke into tears while recounting her predicaments with Ms Wambilianga 

She sought the committee chair to intervene and force the office bearers pay her remaining dues since she’s a single mother of one and do not have another source of income

“When I saw it’s like my goose had been cooked tried to seek justice. I am appealing if you can intervene on this matter for am very innocent just being sacrificed for standing with the core  principles of affirmative action,” she recounted her woes 

Kilifi Woman Representative Gertrude Mbeyu who was furious on the circumstances surrounding the witnesses’ woes with the fellow county MP vowed to follow up the legislative powers to make sure that justice prevails

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