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The Green Thinking Action Party (GTAP) leader Dr Isaac Kalua Green has told Kenyans to vote wisely and ensure that peace and stability remains paramount in our country
In an exclusive interview with immediately after casting his vote at Unyaa Primary School in Kitui Central Constituency, Kitui County, Kalua exuded confidence that
He has exuded confidence that his party’s candidates will emerge victorious including a 22 year old Anita Sonia who is vying for Kajiado North Parliamentary Seat and Joseph Muviwa running for Kitui Central MP seat
Kalua said Kenyans should elect vetted leaders and those passionate to change lives of kenyans but not corrupt individuals
“We must wake up from the slumber of electing unworthy candidates, we must think straight, we must recalibrate our leadership if we want to see our economy grow, we must all participate in governance making by casting your vote to bring in new crop of leadership,” Kalua poetic.
The environmentalist appealed for kenyans to come out in large numbers and exercise their democratic right in participating of goverment making
“Its good we maintain peace, no need of causing disturbance, let those who wins celebrate peacefully and those who loses petitions in a mature manner without pointing figures to others,” He added
He also thanked the Independent, Electoral and Boundaries Commission officials for their dedication, despite few challenges of biometric readership to using manual register- show them confidence to work better for our country
He called for good mix of where youth and women are integrated in leadership and every citizen counts in governance