DP Ruto Highly Cheered In Othaya as he Pays his Tribute to late Mwai Kibaki

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  • DP Ruto was cheered more than ODM leader Raila Odinga
  • He acknowledged presence of President Uhuru Kenyatta and first lady Margaret Kenyatta
  • However, leaders from region claim UDA politicians had paid mourners in advance to applause for DP more than any other leader

Deputy President William Ruto has received major applause at the funeral service of the late President Mwai Kibaki at Othaya than ODM leader Raila Odinga

Addressing fifteen thousands mourners at Othaya on Saturday 30 April, Ruto received cheers and applauses from Mt Kenya at an event attended by the both President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM chief Raila Odinga 

Ruto started  by acknowledging the presence of President Uhuru Kenyatta and the first lady Margaret Kenyatta as well as Former President Kalonzo Musyoka 

He went ahead by mentioning all children of the late Kibaki and their spouses as he wished them well after the loss of their lovely daddy and Kenya’s third President 

He also greeted attendants in their native language and also thanked them for standing together with the family and all kenyans to mourn the fall of world’s icon 

According to political analysts Prof Herman Manyora is that the applauses would be much telling or could have been influenced by handouts from certain leaders from the region 

“The applause that DP William Ruto has  received in Othaya is telling.

“You will be forgiven for a moment to think it is a political rally and not a funeral,” He stated

However, section of leaders from Azimio la Umoja One Kenya alliance have alleged that Mathira MP Rigathi Gachagua had paid youths as of yesterday to cheer more while DP Ruto makes his speech at the funeral