Don’t be caught up in the ongoing “Kenya Maize Triangle’’ Kalua Green.

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Celebrated Environmentalist, Leader of Green Thinking Action Party-Kenya [GTAP-K] Dr Isaac Kalua Green. Photo|Screengrap|Kalua Green

Green Thinking Action Party Leader Dr Isaac Kalua Green has urged Kenyans to refrain from hate speech over controversy surrounding, Genetically Modified Organisms [GMO] foods

In his social media accounts on Wednesday 23rd November, Kalua noted that the available maize whether imported or harvested locally must be given for food

“The Government and World Food Programe [WFP] must urgently respond to hunger stricken Kenyans and cannot wait until farmers complete their harvest process because food is required now.

Ingine yooote including story ya GMO ni story-tusieneze chuki tuko hapa hapa tu. Ukweli usemwe shetani ashikwe na kizunguzungu,’’ Kalua accentuated    

Dr Kalua, who is the celebrated environmentalist, maintained that besides, in every crisis there lies an opportunity, the secret lies in identifying that opportunity

However, he acknowledged that the global warming has induced austerity measures which are most uncomfortable because they are unforeseen   

“It is everyone’s responsibility to plan for a future full of hope. Create your space and count to be counted,’’ he emphasized

On matters politics, the decorated newspaper columnist cum politician said that all elected members of parliament must be seen to fight for the farmers’ rights and rightfully so  

“This great effort will end up with Government assurance to the farmers that their interests shall be safeguarded,’’

On the other hand, he said that the Trade Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria is also duty-bound to ensure that trade in Kenya thrives-the resulted factor of his effort must be to assure commodity traders of sustainable trade as require by Wolrd Trade Organization [WTO]     

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