Gerontophilia is the primary sexual attraction to the elderly. A person with such a sexual preference is a gerontophile or gerontosexual.
The word gerontophilia was coined in 1901 by psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing. It derives from Greek: geron, meaning “old person” and philia, meaning “friendship”.
The appetite for girls to wine and party with older men has continued exponentially or embellished day by day
However, some of the excuses given by the chics when reciprocity deemed to play behind the curtains irks their ‘sponsors’ so to say.
Safinews.co.ke has been on a fact finding mission to establish the reasons behind the gerontophilia relationships and here are some of the perturbing responses that campus girls and younger ladies are using to exhort money from their sugar daddies in the pretext of love making
Our crew bumped into one of the beneficiaries going by the name Mercy Kemunto[not her real name], who saw her University fees be paid by her older boyfriend just a week after meeting at in a lavish hotel within Nairobi
Kemunto was in second year pursuing her Bachelors Degree in Communication and Public Relations from the University of Nairobi when she met a renowned politician who was serving his second term 2007-2017
She recounts that after exchanging contacts, it took only six hours when the politician called for a meet up in one of the international hotels in the Nairobi’s CBD
It’s this time when they partied and wined together until watershed hours, she excused herself to retreat in her hostels for the following day’s hectic assignments and the presentation.
According to Mercy, it was her first time to meet older men persuading her for it and she was like, ‘let me give it a trial’ she discloses, since she had school fees issues
“I was shocked the first date when Mheshimiwa wired to me Sh20,000 through Mpesa,
“ just take a uber and make sure that we meet again the following day after classes,” He told her.
“I didn’t hesitate, the following day I was like, `Good Morning Darling?’, she texted. She tells that was replied instantly by the daddy of course, `Good Morning too sweetheart, how was your night there?
The rest became an history and that’s how her school fees ended up being made nill balances through bursaries and other pocket change coins including her bedsitter at parkland’s hostels
However, even though, she tells us that she loved the thing for her man was quite experienced though, there were some instances she wanted to terminate it despite the repercussions
“I don’t know about other girls but i started to crave for older men from a tender age. I like older mature guys so as the first step I even lost my virginity to an older guy. I was 18 and he was 38 that time,” an internet user posted.
She continued, “I also dated and married an older man. Now I am 26 and he’s 46. I was 19.
Delving into the flipside, apart from younger girls borrowing money from old men in the pretext of love, what are other useless traits of youthful chics in the lenses of older men?
The common mission among the young chics is the false hopes to own rich people’s husbands
Most of them in their 17 and early 21, would circumnavigate the whole process, milking wealthiest men before understanding their prey’s evation trickster
Those whom we spoke to confessed that older men fancy them as ‘their Prostate antidote’
Others would keep off the bed warming climax lying that, they are pregnant to extort money from men.
“It’s not that older men are more experienced in the bedroom. You’ll find older women wanting to be FWB around with younger men pointing out the opposite,” another one posted
The common target her is their false hopes to own rich people’s husbands without much struggle, yes, one could dream big and achieve nothing, it’s a world of eventualities
“The only Pandora’s Box is borrowing more and more money in ‘fake police arrests’ to maintain their 6-pack useless clowns. I used to lie to my two older boyfriends of 50s and 60s so as to buy weed, alcohol and coke, just to keep myself sane and to fight imaginary demons.
To buy designer clothes to flex on Instagram & Facebook. I used to fund my wild holiday with my ageset boyfriend and get-aways in Naivasha, Mombasa or Dubai with girlfriends,” ,”. Another 21 year old lady disclosed under anonymous condition
Fake, fake & fake it girl until you make it, all in all, it’s your conscience that will guide you on the right trajectory of life
Young girls are a sluice valve for older men, to release pressure and distress
This piece is authored by James Mwenda, an Advocate of the High Court of the Republic of Kenya