Concerned citizens urges President Ruto to stop militirizing CBDs

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Heavy presence of KDF personnel camps at Nairobi’s CBD and other major towns to disperse protesting youths

Barracks were emptied since yesterday to reinforce already overpowered police by protesting GenZs over the harsh economic times

“Section of concerned citizens movement have urged President William Ruto to order military back to barracks and engage with fellow Kenyans in a peaceful dialogue 

In a long press statement shared to journalists on Thursday 27th June, the movement appealed to the Head of State, irrespective of parliamentary approval, to call for national dialogue with the concerned citizens through it’s leaders and con-veners from ward level to national level 

They pointed out that converting Nairobi’s Central Businesse District to Central Military District is a threat to further loss of livelihoods since too military presence in town, the Kenyans who depend on hand to mouth will not put something on the table for their families.

Those who sell mandazis, chapati, roasted maize, all the small business that keeps Kenyans living on hand to mouth will not be able to put food on their table 

Led by scholar, Prof Fred Ogola and signed by one Joseph Mugachia, the duo called President William can start dialogue with the ward level- sub county level, county level then national level without involvement of parliament since they have lost legitimacy in leadership 

They disclosed that their recent arrests while they were about to launch the mwananchi bill was disrupted by state when several of them were arrested and locked up at central police station for two days while dispersing those who’d attended to witness it’s launch of the bill

“This was to restore true sovereignty to Kenyans by not only giving them powers to delegate their sovereign powers to the elected state officers but also regaining the powers to directly supervise and penalize the misuse of the powers, by recalling all the elected leaders

On his part, Mugachia, implored all citizens concerned about the wrong direction our nation has deeply been driven, to keep up the pressure on the President, other leaders and the government until their voices are heard

“We remain focused on tangible change constitutionally,” appealed 

In furtherance to demands, the lobby group unequivocally alleged that there’s a leadership crisis in Kenya that has led to the loss of too many lives that should have been prevented 

“Kenya’s hope for the improved livelihoods, comfort and future has moved from bad to worse with the finance bill,2024/25 and it could have been worse had people not come to stop it,” they concluded 

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