Court suspends Julius Malombe’s nomination certificate

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High court has suspended nomination certificate of former Kitui governor Julius Malombe to vie for Kitui gubernatorial position on a Wiper ticket 

According to Lady Justice Christine Meoli is that Malombe was handed direct nomination certificate unlawfully and that the party should conduct governorship primaries within seventy two hours 

The case had been filed by former ambassador of Kenya to Uganda Kiema Kilonzo arguing that nomination certificate was illegally awarded to one candidate without following due procedures


Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka had on April conducted opinion polls from Kitui county that showed Malombe was leading in gubernatorial popularity garnering 67 percent followed by Jubilee’s candidate David Musila

Kiema was distance number four having only 14 percent but he contested that the results were dubious and that they were supposed to be subjected to party primaries together with his rival Malombe for fair judgment to be arrived at.

Former Kitui senator David Musila who is eyeing the seat on a Jubilee ticket was number two followed by incumbent governor Kaluki Ngilu of Narc-K at number three.

The last candidate who was number five in the same line up was former Nairobi deputy governor Jonathan Mueke who is trying to occupy Kitui big office on an unsellable UDA ticket in the region with a paltry 1.4 percent

This, made Wiper Party, to unanimously rule out conducting party primaries, for gubernatorial positions due to huge financial costs that (party) would have incurred, something which is now being forced by the court to do it within seventy two hours.

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