Nandi Senator Samson Cherargey calls for removal and possible prosecution of the Nandi Governor Stephen Sang
He applauded the Eldoret High Court rulling against the governor over the illegal appointments of CECs
Senator Cherargey noted out of Sh42B allocated so far in Nandi County nothing tangible can be seen
The Nandi Senator Samson Cherargey has now called for immediate impeachment of his Governor Stephen Sang for violations of entire constitution by appointing County Executive Committee Members [CECs] without approval of the County Assembly MembersÂ
Addressing Media at Parliament Buildings on Thursday 19th October, Cherargey urged the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission [EACC] to move with speed to investigate Mr Sang’ on the possibilities of prosecution on violations of the leadership and integrity act
The vocal senator disclosed that Governor Sang’ did not allow County Assembly Members vet his CECs
“The Gorilla tactics of Mr Sang has tragically come to an end. The public appointments is clear on the approval of county appointments by the county assembly and this did not happen in Nandi because Mr Sang’ arm twisted intimidated and blackmailed the county assembly from vetting his CECs appointments,” he stated
Cherargey observed that Mr Sang violated 14 Articles of constitution forming the basis of the grounds of removal from office for putting an illegal county executive
The second term vocal senator disclosed that out of Sh40Billion Mr Sang has received in the financial year 2017 up to 2022 no tangible development or even pseudo-development in Nandi County
“In the financial year 2023/2024 from the month of June to now Nandi County has received over Sh2Billion from the National Government this despite Mr Sang being in office illegally because of the unconstitutional Executive in Office,” he remarked
He has further asked the Controller of Budget to be careful in disbursing allocation to Nandi County Executive because there is no functional County Executive in place
“Sang’ is slowly painfully running down Nandi County into oblivion of development because at the moment roads are impassable, lack of drugs in Hospitals, Non-availability of bursaries and marginalized allocations of development, demoralised County Staff with upto now the staff audit and selective hiring of county staff based on their face value and political patronage,” he added
In furtherance of the above mentioned illegal acts, Governor Sang is also accused of intimidating ECDE teachers for demanding better welfare in their work places which he termed as another cancer of mal administration in the running of the County
He said that the bad governance of Mr Sang is moribund and ineffective that shall continue to be cancerous in the development of Nandi County
Cherargey pointed out these anomalies while applauding the ruling at the Eldoret High Court of Employment and Labour Relations on the validity of the appointments of Nandi County Executive Members in the matter of Kimeli Vs Governor Nandi County and others
According to the court ruling, the Nandi County Executive is illegally and unconstitutionally constituted constituted