Bizarre: Naked man stops passenger train

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  • Passengers in Mombasa bound train were left yesterday in fears after an unusual incident happened at the top of the train
  • Some of them would wish to terminate their journey at Voi before reaching their final destination

Mombasa passenger train had to stop a bit at Voi station for 20 minutes to give way for the goods train that had stopped in between Ndii pass station after noticing a naked man

The man was on top of one of the containers.

The officer commanding station at Voi Railways Station was informed and rushed to the scene

He managed to bring the man down who appears mentally disturbed.

The passenger train left safely and also the goods train continued with it’s journey to mombasa safely.

The OCS adviced to take the victim to Voi Hospital for the doctors are the only ones that can establish the degree of madness

After doctor’s diagnosis, a decision will be made either to prosecute or release for treatment.

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