- Seemering feud between Operation Linda Jamii Chairperson Prof Fred Ogola and UDA South Nyanza Coordinator Kennedy Ondiek is now brewing
- The latter is accused over extorting the former a whopping 320,000 Kenyan Shillings on September in the name of buddies
- Media Houses requested to authenticate the titles of some individuals using big names to con unsuspecting Kenyans
United Democratic Alliance Party has yet again embroiled in another tussle where UDA South Nyanza Coordinator Kennedy Ondiek has been taken to court over extortion of 320,000 Kenyan Shillings
In a court documents seen by safinews co.ke on Thursday 23rd November, Kennedy is sued by Prof Fred Ogola after he fraudulently failed to refund the sum of money he secured for urgent matter as per the attached legal agreement
According to Owuor Gerry and Associates Advocates Company, acting on behalf of the claimant, UDA South Nyanza Coordinator is owing to Dr Fred Onyango Ogola Kenya Shillings Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand, referred to as their client
Mr Ondiek, who has been in different media houses speaking on behalf of the party, is reported to have entered into an agreement with Dr Ogola on 2nd September 2023 where he sought Kshs 320,000 to be refunded with an interest of 40 per cent on or before 7th September 2023
“Upto and until now, you have not made even the faintest of efforts to refund our client the monies he advanced to you as per the strict dictates of the agreement you entered into with our client, particular whereof are within your full and personal knowledge,” part of the demand letter dated 29th September, 2023 read
The letter stated that despite several reminders from their client, the accused has willfully and fraudulently neglected and refused to refund the money back plus the interest accrued due and now owing to the breach of agreement
“Our client holds you personally liable for the breach of the agreement and understanding yoy had with him, and our instructions are thus to demand, which we hereby do that you admit liability and immediately pay the said sum of Kshs 448,000 to our client, being the total amount of money that you obtained from our client as credit and which is due and owing to our client,” it adds
South Nyanza UDA Coordinator Mr Kennedy Ondiek Accused
According to Mr Ondiek, he had entered into some coordinating works for the party, where he mentioned Interior and National Administration Permanent Secretary Dr Raymond Omollo was to expedite his payments
Ondiek, claims that he failed technically due to the fact that they did not receive the disbursements as was to be owing to the busy schedules of the Party Leader who was to facilitate the payments through PS Omollo
“I am winding up church service. PS whipped me to accompany him to a church service. I did not get time to coordinate anything. Let me get you immediately I get done. Am terribly sorry but will make it right,” an extract from his conversation to Ogola obtained by our investigative desk read.
In his response letter from Omuthe & Co. Advocates dated 7th October 2023 to Dr Ogola, their client [Ondieki] acknowledges the receipt of the said amount of money and above agreement stated therein, however with some reservations
He cited frustrations that has made him impossible to refund the same.
“Our client plans to refund to your client Kenya Shillings Three Hundred and Twenty Thousand [Kshs 320,00] which was based on good will, will be refunded within two months from now.
Our client, however, takes issues with the terms of the said gentlemen’s agreement alleged in your demand letter. As such, our client holds the position that an interest of 40 per cent within a period of six working days or any such period less than a year, would be substantively, unconscionable, unfair, unduly harsh and grossly commercially unreasonable given the existing circumstances of the agreements,” Part of the plaintiff reply letter to the claimant.
The reply letter, takes notice, that their client will only pay Kshs 320,000 within 60 days from the date herein
“On the issue of interest, our client shall discuss the same with your client and agree on an attainable amount which is just, fair and conscianable,” it stated
The case is slated for mention and hearing on 30th November, 2023 at Milimani Small Claims Division, with the accused presence or not according to the client’s demand letterÂ
This, and many other intricacies stories, is an eye opener for media houses to deserve the right to authenticate the titles of their guests hosted in their talkshows and any other broadcasting programs as many may use names of powerful individuals or influential people to solicit and extort money from unsuspecting KenyansÂ