Police Gone Rogue in his Kasarani Neighbourhood

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A junior sleuth stationed at the CID Headquarters along Kiambu road has left residents of Moi stadium estate in Kasarani perplexed after a series of drama has been ensuing every month from the officer.

The drunkard cop went to his usual drinking den within the neighborhood and defiantly refused to pay a bill of eight thousand shillings that would later morphed to a feisty commotion.

The stoic bar owner tried to solve the contention amicably where he accused the officer of forging a transaction of which was verified to be false, but things went south after he was shamed to be a bisexual by a reveler who he dated sometimes back.

The cop engaged in a fist fight that left him lynched by the bar owner leaving him seriously injured with a broken arm.

Majority of bars and wine stores confirmed that the cop has developed a penchant of not paying bills within the neighborhood including his residential house at sports Kenya where he accumulated rent arrears of three years, said one of his close friends.

The driver cop who has been moving around with a plastered arm is still nursing wounds and for once he was assisted by his equally dramatic wife who always wrangles in the estate everyday

Furthermore, his wife raised complaints to her friends that her husband does not provide food for children neither does he pay school fees for his adopted son, thus opting her to get sponsors and well-wishers to feed her children to alleviate unbearable situation.

Intimate sources have revealed to safinews.co.ke, that the couple is in an open marriage where anyone is allowed to bring a lover in their matrimonial house to fulfill their insatiable sexual appetite!

The residents at the estate are tired of their drama where fights and violence take huge part of the day and at night after the sleuth retreats back from the drinking night sprees at 3.00am with unpalatable language on his way home that leads to night squabbles with the wife.

The landlord had once issued a notice letter last year to vacate, but the officer has used his badge to intimidate the management in many occasions where his house had been locked for not paying rent arrears in lieu he was seen drinking liquor at the canteen leaving to everyone to wonder how he manages to drink everyday and fail to pay rent and school fees.

History has shown that CID officers are very classy and intelligent contingent from the service where majority of residents revealed; they have never experienced such an officer in their lifetime.

Several Women also have raised complaints for unsolicited pornographic materials been sent to them for sexual advances that sparked drama better part of 2022, where the officer had an affair with a sports Kenya staffer’s wife that ended up on his work WhatsApp group.

The series of drama, threats and anxiety he has caused to the neighborhood and its environs especially women is through the roof, where women have called upon action to be taken or else they will engage women support groups and go to demonstrate at his work place to get the sleuth transferred from their neighborhood once and for all.

Do you have a heartbreaking story you wish us to publish, kindly reach us through safinews2022@gmail.com

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