“A man’s job, children, wife, artistic creations or pleasures- are all superficial and empty, if they are not floating, in the deep sea of his conscious loving”.
If a woman suggests something that changes a man’s perspective, then he should make a new decision based on his new perspective.
But he should never betray his own deepest knowledge and intuition in order to please his woman or “go along” with her.
Both will be weakened by such an action. They will both grow to resent each other, and the crust of accumulated inauthenticity will burden their love, as well as their capacity to free action.
The way a man penetrates the world should be the same way he penetrates his woman; not merely for personal gain or pleasure, but to magnify love, openness, and depth.
When a man gives his true gift of sex to his woman, he penetrates and blooms her beyond all limits of love. It is the same with the world.
To bloom both the woman and the world for real, takes authenticity, persistence, and courage of the heart.
A man must be willing to dedicate his sex and his life to magnifying love by penetrating his woman and the world with his true gifts. This willingness is seldom and rare.
Few men are willing to give their deepest genius, their true endowment, the poetry of their very being, with every thrust of sex and life.
Most men are limped with doubts and uncertainties. Or they hold back their true drive because of fear. So they diddle their women and the world just enough to extract the pleasure and comfort they need to assuage their nagging sense of falsity and incompleteness.
There is no difference between entering your woman’s feminine heart and entering fully into the world. Both forms of intercourse, sexual and worldly, require sensitivity, spontaneity, and a strong connection to deep truth in order to penetrate chaos and closure in a way that love prevails.
Neither women nor world are predictable. Both will often seem to resist your gifts and test your capacity to persist. And, just as surely, they will tenderly respond to the authenticity of a man’s relaxed ministrations, and the invasion of the man’s adamant love.
They will open in love and receive the man fully- only to resist and test him again, moments or days later. Neither can the world or women be second-guessed, or fooled.
The most erotic moment of a woman is feeling that his man is a Shiva, the divine masculine: imperturbable, totally loving, omnipresent and all pervading.
When a man superficially succeeds in life, his woman only wants to feel him as Shiva again. And then the testing cycle will begin anew. In fact, it is precisely when a man is most Shiva-like that the woman will most likely test him.
She wants to feel that her man is uncollapsible, as she squelches his soft underbelly or pokes his weakest spot. She wants to feel that his man’s happiness is not dependent on her response, nor the man making a Hundred Million Dollars or buying a yatch or Rolls-Royce. She wants to feel that her man is a superior man!
But if you are a man who’s living his fullest, willing to play his edge and grow through difficulties, then you will cherish and want her to test you again.
As a man, you don’t want your woman to settle for some bimbo or bozo who depends on his woman’s response to be happy.
A woman will always test her man for the mere pleasure of feeling his strength in loving, his capacity to transcend nuisance, his persistence in his own truth, and his capacity to share in love with her, even when she is complaining- especially when she’s complaining.
Complaints are the beginning of a woman’s pleasure. This is the hidden secret for any man to decode. You cannot get out of it. Finding a different woman, looking for a therapy, endowing yourself with financial or sexual mastery simply won’t get you out of it.
The random testing by women in search of truth and love is the glue that makes women relax and surrender into the polarity of romance.
“The feminine’s moods and opinions are like weather patterns. They are constantly changing, severe and gentle, and they have no single source. No analysis will work. There is no linear chain of cause and effect that can lead to the kernel of the “problem.” There is no problem, only a storm, a breeze, a sudden change in weather. And the bases of these storms are the high and low pressure systems of love. When a woman feels love flowing deeply, her mood can instantly evaporate into joy, regardless of the supposed reason for the mood.”
A man’s value in the family is tied to what’s he’s able to provide and to do.
Romance is tied to polarity.
Attraction is biological, magnetic and not social or physical. It cannot be explained.
To survive, a man must be stoic to lead and must shift his mindset completely.
Among the Millennials and Geneneration Z, glamour has replaced the flower power!
James Mwenda
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